Student Project Programme


Bihar Council on Science and Technology (BCST) has decided to promote highly ambitious Student Project Programmes in a large number of educational institutions, located in Bihar, in areas of Engineering to build a strong base for practical problem solving. This scheme will help students to convert their talent and creativity through experimentation, design, fabrication and testing in reality and ultimately into business model as technical institutions have proper infrastructure facilities and well qualified teachers.

This programme has been started in 2019-20, and is a unique experiment in Bihar. This is a tribute to the foresightedness and inspiration on the part of a group of dedicated scientists, engineers and executives and administrators of Government of Bihar. The programme is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and will have a major impact in improving the quality of technical education through innovative ideas which is demand of the time. It links together technological developmental efforts with educational institutions so that relevant problems flow to the institutions and hopefully feasible technical solutions might flow back to the implementer s. BCST will provide financial and academic support the worthwhile project work upon the recommendation of the concerned principals.

Spp 2019-2020 Fund Release (500 Student): Clik here & Download

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