Under the aegis of National Natural resource Management System (NNRMS), Bihar Remote Sensing Applications Centre (BIRSAC) was established in 1985. It is located at IGSC-Planetarium building at Patna. It is under the administrative control of the department of Science Technology & Technical Education, Govt. of Bihar. The activities of this centre are run by the rules and provisions of an autonomous society registered organization named as Bihar Council on Science and Technology (BCST).


  •   To make inventory of natural resources of the state harnessing space science using remote sensing    &  GIS
  • To avail spatial data for the development and planning of the
  • To create databases at the level of State, Block, Village and ultimately parcel
  • To cater the need and requirement of spatial data for the disaster
  • Above all human welfare is the prime objective using remote sensing and GIS tecniques


Mission of the organisation is to create natural & socio-economic datbase at village parcel level using Space Science for the development and planning pupose of the entire state of Bihar

BIRSAC WEB HOSTING CONTENT :- Click here & download

BIRSAC ONGOING PROJECT: Click here & download

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